I'm proud of me. Midway through my 4th week of ButterFlying . . .and the second room is cleared of unknowns. The Kiwi and Sunshine rooms are not "done" in that they are not decorated yet. And I still will go through the hanging clothes and the bookshelf in the Sunshine room, but my biggest desire for this project is to have all the floor spaces cleared of boxes and tubs, and for me to KNOW exactly what is in each room. So, for that standard, those two rooms are DONE. Whew.
Here's a peek at the Sunshine room closet Before.

And here's an After shot . . . I wonder how long it will take for the impress of that
h e a v y tub to disappear :) And didja happen to notice what a rainbow of clothes I have????

Monday and Tuesday I started on the Rainbow room. This one sorta terrified me, because I knew it was densely packed with papers, etc. I also knew (hoped) I'd be encountering a lot of "me" in my writings, which is good, but also discombobulating, in that I feel I've sort of wandered away from my writing self . . I am searching her out again, for sure, but it's just sort of an odd feeling.

Had a great idea to use the newly tidied/simplified surroundings of the Sunshine room for at least some of the Rainbow room sorting. Worked in there several hours yesterday. Found a stash of quite a few of my journals from the past few years. Was astounded at how colorful and "wild" they were. I MISS that part of me . . I am so glad to be finding her again.
I really appreciate the support from the two of you . . . my rational brain tells me how much I've gotten done so far. And that even if I stopped now, every box and tub I've sorted so far would still be "done." And yet some other part of me says that yes, I have gnawed off and chewed up one whole leg of that giant elephant, which is quite an accomplishment . . . and yet there still clumps around my house this humongous THREE-legged critter . . .
Yes, Sharon, I liked your idea of having some sort of large visual, like a thermometer, or whatever, on which to chart progress. I had the same idea when I started, but chose to put my first batch of energy into the sorting itself, instead of into "bookwork" about the sorting . . but now I am feeling the neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed of some sort of visual--something that admits the whole huge project, yet allows me to mark off when I've managed to finish a chunk. I'll keep thinking of what I can do . . .